Nothing in the world arises from nothing and does not disappear into nowhere. Each river has its beginning and its mouth. Everything has its explanation and reason. Yes, often it is simply unknown to us. But this does not mean that it does not exist.

If there are problems in the family suddenly, it is always NOT ALL OF A SUDDEN. Somewhere there is a reason, the first drop, an explanation. And the problem of one is ALWAYS the problem not only of him/her. If everything is really good in the couple, then the children will have no problems. If, for example, there are problems, then, first of all, these are problems of the parents, and only then for/of the children. You cannot pour clean water into a glass if you do so from a dirty jug in which the water is not clean.

This is how I would briefly describe the family constellation method, which was first spoken about in the 1960s by the German philosopher, theologian, and psychotherapist Bert Hellinger. Although, in fact, we can say that the method is as old as our world and that it formerly came out of the transactional analysis of Eric Berne and the primary therapy of Arthur Janov. But it was Hellinger who gave its way of life and then his wife Bertha Sophie Hellinger continued his work with the Original Hellinger® family constellation method at the Hellinger® school, offering constellation teaching around the world. Today, more and more psychologists are working with this method, perhaps slightly changing it to suit their style, and more and more people are trying it for themselves to solve problems, because they all talk about its efficiency. The method shows positive results where other methods of therapy or other intervention often do not work.

Indeed, time does not stand still. And even in such a relatively young science as psychology new methods and practices appear. We are all learning to understand more, get to know the world and use its possibilities. From the joy of the first candle and light bulb to the cities that glow with millions of lanterns and the impossibility of imagining our life without electricity now …

In psychology we learn to feel. Turn off our consciousness and feel and hear the unconscious, which actually controls our life. Speaking about family constellations, receiving information from the energy field that surrounds us, there is an opportunity to feel-hear the message that our ancestors can convey to us. With only one goal: to make us happy! After all, no matter what we think, say or hear from and about our ancestors, they all stand behind our shoulders for our strength, wishing us happiness. Even if the opposite seems to us and even to them. They are our filling and the water in the jug that will be poured into the glass.

The method of family constellations is phenomenal and is based on the idea that there are certain laws, the so-called BASIC ORDERS OF LOVE, that govern our lives, and the violation of these laws leads to problems of various kinds, from small ones to large family  tragedies. After all, LOVE is the strongest feeling that is passed from parents to children from generation to generation. Love can do anything. You just need to give her the opportunity to move and live in your heart.

To change, to transform pain into love is a recipe for all problems for everyone.