We often think that life should be perfect, and, as if on an exquisite red carpet, we will walk along the paths and highways of our predetermined destiny in expensive jewelry and outfits for our Oscars. Therefore, when something goes wrong according to our plan, when this or that trouble happens, knocking the earth out from under our feet, life instantly turns into pain.
In fact, life is not perfect. Realizing this can already make it easier. Life is different. And everyone has their own. There is no single recipe for happiness. But I want to calm you down.
It doesn’t matter how long it has been hurting you, where it hurts you, or maybe you don’t even understand where, how and why. It happens in different ways, because pain has an individual face. Pain can be replaced. For example, for love and happiness. All you have to do is to start moving in the right direction.
Here one could now describe in detail the years of study, membership in associations, talk at length about the methods I can work with, attach certificates and diplomas. Of course, I have all this. But it is not as important as may seem from the very begining. And not even because diplomas can be bought, years of lying on a sofa or other activity can be attributed to years of practice. To achieve something and enjoy what you do, the main thing in any profession is a vocation and a desire to work. To make it easy and want … To have the feeling that this is yours…
And then everything works out.
For more than 15 years, I still continue to love my work and do not imagine myself as anyone other than a psychologist. I’m GOOD in it. And it increases the chances that you will also feel GOOD…
Because professional psychology really works. It is an antibiotic and medicine for the soul when it hurts.
When you need to overcome certain difficulties or problems.
Change your life drastically.
Or just when you want to bring such a good life to an even better and higher quality level.