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For whom

  • to those who are in pain
  • to those who feel fear
  • those who feel doubt and insecurity
  • those who want to change their lives
  • add your version

In general, it all starts with love, because it is love that is the main driving feeling of the world. And therefore, to the question FOR WHOM, I would give only one simple answer:

– to those who want to feel LOVE

Someone will now say that he already feels love, but this love brings only pain, because divorce, betrayal, conflicts, wounds from broken pink glasses of love … That’s right. Love is strong. And it hurts just as badly.

One can now say of the eternal problems of parents and children that, for example, all life is dedicated to children and given to them an ocean of love. And they, ungrateful bastards, did not appreciate it and only create problems. Or vice versa. And here again we return to the power of love. Yes, it is strong, so it hurts. And yet, grievance, insults and other harmful feelings hinder the flow of correct unconditional love, which makes people happy.

Feel the love of parents and carry it in your heart until death and even after, passing it on to your children, who in turn will pass it on to their own. Do not interrupt this flow of unconditional love, which is given to us together with life and which gives wings. Love heals those who are in pain, removes fear, doubt and insecurity from those who feel it, love will help to overcome addictions and pull out of the pit.

Love will change your life.

After all, it all starts with love. And therefore the task of any therapy for any problem is to help a person feel love. Love that heals, saves, gives wings and life. And, as if the right sunglasses, will protect from the scorching rays of the sun, without which our world can not exist. The task of the psychologist in this process is to help you to choose the right sunglasses of love.

Make the first step to love