How many tears have been and will be cried out because of jealousy, how many couples have parted and will still part … How many family tragedies just because we often look and move in the wrong direction. Searching on the phone or keep a close watch on, crying and shouting “billy-goat” is definitely the way to nowhere. First of all, you need to look in the opposite direction.


Marry a foreigner … In search of an overseas prince … Or just try something new, because the local representatives of the stronger sex are bored or disappointing. Nowadays, more and more women not only dream of marrying a foreigner, but also have many opportunities for this. The whole world is available. And for some reason, one always thinks about a fairy tale and Cinderella, but a beautiful carriage so easily and often turns into a pumpkin … Although in fact this can be avoided. And the tale of Cinderella can come true. One has only to choose the right shoe in order to confidently and comfortably step onto another land.


Life is very unpredictable and consists of millions of components, moments and events. Relationships in any marriage are a challenge with many unknowns. In an interethnic marriage these unknowns grow exponentially and problems can arise where they are not expected at all. And, for example, it would seem that even a simple hen can cause divorce.

But everything is possible to solve and the relationship we want can become a reality, because the mission of chickens is to lay eggs, not to separate people. And people just need the right guidelines in such a difficult world of human relations.


Thousands of millions of women are looking for their love and happiness, but never find it. Complaining that worthy men became extinct along with dinosaurs, thousands of women die without knowing what this female happiness is, whether it exists in reality and where to look for it …

Although it is really easy to be a queen, and women’s happiness exists. And it is closer than it might seem. And the key to your kingdom is only in your hands.


A huge problem of our time, because nowdays you can place bets and take loans not necessarily somewhere in a casino in a big city or a banking institution with all the relevant documents, but simply sitting anywhere in the world where there is access to the Internet. This problem does not need to be described for long, it is large-scale and well-known. It’s scary, painful and serious. But there is a way out. And it all starts with codependents. The one or those who are next to the addict. It is you who can become the one who will fill the crack so that the addict and loved ones do not fall into the abyss …

FOR CODEPENDENTS (alcohol and drugs addictions)

Yes, it is difficult; yes, it hurts; yes, there may be a bad ending. And not just for one generation. And the worst thing that can be done in this situation is to blame the person who drinks or uses drugs and say how unlucky you are with your husband / son / your version. In fact, it all starts with codependents.

Your hand outstretched correctly. It should pull you, the addict and everyone around you out.


The world is very different and multifaceted, and it definitely has absolutely everything that each of us needs for happiness. The question is why so often we get lost in the diversity of the world’s colors.

See yourself from the outside, change your position within yourself, make decisions that you are not ashamed of. Well, in the end, just become happy, changing the whole world around you. In fact, it is possible and not so difficult.


Our children are a reflection of us and our relationship. And nothing else. How to talk and behave with a teenager? Stop educating him, but start educating yourself. This is the only way it works. It doesn’t work any other way.


There is something wrong with the child, do something with him! 

A very frequent request from parents of all times and peoples. And this is good if, nevertheless, the parents thought / decided to seek professional help. This is what can save both the child and you. The sooner you do this, the more chances you have of winning and the more time you have for your happy life, in which you will already know for sure that everything starts with you, not with a child. And if you have such a request, then it’s time for you to start working on yourself and your feelings and first of all change your life. Because if everything in your life goes really good (not just you think that it’s good), then such a request simply can not exist.


Life without money is impossible and money is never too much.. The first part is true, because life without money is impossible. But we can’t say this about the second part, because not everything is so simple and unambiguous. Money is energy. And from the way you know how to use it, you can become both a poor rich man and a rich poor man. Or learn to direct the right energy in the right direction to have the strength to hold (have) money in your hands.


We all want everything at once. Like a child who sees a lot of candies in colored wrappers and wants to eat everything today. Because it doesn’t wait until tomorrow.

So it is here. We all want a psychologist to help us in one meeting. As if waving a magic wand to solve the problem here and now. It does not happen and it does not work. Therapy is a process. And no matter how much we want to and try, this process has its duration. As a rule, it is worth expecting that therapy will last from 6 to 12 months. Because the main thing in it is not just to solve the problem you came with (get out of the pit you got into), but not to get into a new pit. The task of therapy is to learn to see these pits on the life path and with the help of your own compass to feel how to go around them. I would very much like to tell you now that a few meetings are enough – and you are on your horse.

But it will not be so. It will be longer. But the result is definitely worth it. And only the one who walks can overcome the path. 


At this moment it may seem that this is the end and life coming to its end. You want to kill the partner and the object with whom you were betrayed. Put things away or pick up your own, and then spend your whole life being a victim and crying to your friends for a bastard. Even if it is long past and there is already a new relationship. Many do this. There are those who become great martyrs and forgive the traitor. But all these options are not correct if you set the goal of building real harmonious relationships. This is the road to nowhere. To a new adultery, resentment, claims, pain. There is no constructiveness and happiness. Indeed, in a situation where a partner betrays you, first of all you need to look at yourself, not vice versa. Having done this in the right way, it becomes quite obvious that the betrayal of a partner is only in your hands, and the path to mutual happiness with this or that partner begins only with yourself.


They never occur out of thin air. These are certain stories from the past. And this is not what we think about them, but what we feel at an unconscious level. It sounds strange and not entirely clear, but it is important to know that we all have the right to a happy family life, in which we do not want to conflict at all. And it’s really close, and you can reach it with your hand. You just have to put in some proper efforts.


Situations and reasons are so different and so similar. But everything is simpler and more difficult at the same time. Together (It) is impossible to part. In this sentence, everyone puts a semicolon himself. And here everything depends on you. The sooner you feel the problem, the easier it will be to fight. It is best to start even before marriage, to get ahead and feel where to put a punctuation mark before the wedding. Although a wedding is just a formality. And here it is important to understand the following: parting is not always bad. And the task of psychotherapy is to help you understand where to put your comma or dot. And even if you put it before PARTING, then do it as painlessly as possible and with a plus sign.